• Quebec birth certificate (long form only)
  • Ministry of Education Transcript of marks or High School Diploma
  • Medicare Card or Driver’s License
  • S.I.N. number
  • C.V.
  • Self-Assessment forms completed
  • Additional Training certificates according to trade
  • Qualification Cards (Ex.ASP, PDSP, First Aid, others)
  • Employment certificates, if required (letter, end of employment, etc.)
  • Any other relevant document
  • Provincial birth certificate
  • Transcript of marks from high school (province issued) or High School Diploma (province issued)
  • 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in   Quebec for 3 out of the 5 most recent years)
  • Medicare Card or Driver’s License
  • S.I.N number
  • C.V.
  • Self-Assessment forms completed
  • Additional Training certificates according to trade
  • Qualification Cards (Ex.ASP, PDSP, First Aid, others)
  • Employment certificates, if required (letter, end of employment, etc.)
  • Any other relevant document
  • Birth certificate (if possible)
  • Étude Comparative (MIDI, if available)
  • Diplomas and transcripts
  • Permanent resident card (and paper) or Canadian citizenship card
  • Certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ) OR 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3 out of the 5 most recent years)
  • Medicare Card or Driver’s License
  • S.I.N. number
  • C.V.
  • Self-Assessment forms completed
  • Additional Training certificates according to trade
  • Qualification Cards (Ex.ASP, PDSP, First Aid, others)
  • Employment certificates, if required (letter, end of employment, etc.)
  • Any other relevant document
  • Birth certificate (if possible)
  • Federal Study Permit
  • Certificat de selection du Quebec (CSQ) with R8 status
  • Notice of Decision from the Federal Government
  • Diplomas and Transcripts
  • Medicare Card and Driver’s License
  • S.I.N. number
  • C.V.
  • Self-Assessment forms completed
  • Additional Training certificates according to trade
  • Qualification Cards (Ex.ASP, PDSP, First Aid, others)
  • Employment certificates, if required (letter, end of employment, etc.)
  • Any other relevant document
  • Birth certificate (if possible)
  • Valid Federal Work Permit
  • Federal Study Permit
  • Certificat d’Acceptation du Québec (CAQ) Refugee claimant form (Brown Paper)
  • Medicare Card or Driver’s License
  • C.V.
  • Self-Assessment forms completed
  • Additional Training certificates according to trade
  • Qualification Cards (Ex.ASP, PDSP, First Aid, others)
  • Employment certificates, if required (letter, end of employment, etc.)
  • Any other relevant document

Registration hours are from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm

60, Lahaie Street
Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8

Tel: 450.680.3032 Ext. 4100


It depends on each candidate. Some candidates need further training in certian areas so need more time to prepare for assessments. While other candidates do not require any training and are able just to do assessments (exams).

YES ! There is no distinction between a diploma or attestation that was completed via RAC or regular classes.

There is no fee if you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. If you are a refugee depending on your status there could be fees, you can contact us directly to learn more.

Enrolling in classes is usually the last option for further training. If it is determined that you need further training we will give you all the available options. .

We offer RAC in all of our vocational training programs offered at our centre and through our partners at CFP des Moulins and ConstucPLUS. We do not offer RAC for Health, Assistance and Nursing program. If you have experience as a nurse, we offer the Updating Nursing program.

During a RAC interview you will meet with a content specialist (teacher/specialist in the field )who will guide you through the process; review the career competencies you have developed, the objectives and competencies which are to be developed within a career program, and create an individualized study and assessment plan that will lead you to the successful completion of, and graduation from, a recognized vocational course of study. It is not an EXAM !

It is a basically a questionanre that you are asked to complete as truthfully as possible so we can better undertand your level of experience, knowledge and skills.

There is no pass or fail in RAC, we set you up to succeed !

Yes absoloutely !

It is offered in English.

CDC Pont-viau
