Code 5873 / 450 Hours / 5 months
Legal Secretaries must complete the DVS in Secretarial Studies or have equivalencies before applying to Secretarial Studies Legal.
Legal secretaries assist legal professionals, particularly with customer service, relationships with stakeholders, deadlines, managing schedules, transcription, drafting, layout, and revision of pleadings, notarial deeds, government forms, and other legal documents. They perform administrative and general secretarial tasks in a legal environment.
These individuals work in various legal environments, be it public, para-public, and private, including government ministries, courthouses, legal departments, litigation departments, law firms, notary offices, and bailiff offices.
- This program is offered in a hybrid format
- All exams are done at the centre
- At the teacher’s request some activities could be done on-site.
- Students must have a laptop/PC equipped with Windows 10. MAC is not permitted
- RAC is available
Registration Information
- You may apply online at AdmissionFP however you must come in person to register
- If you do not have a Quebec Permanent Code, you can get a temporary code here
- You must bring ALL ORIGINAL documents to the Centre to be officially registered
Required Documents for Registration
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- High school diploma or transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
- 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma AND transcript
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Canadian citizen card/certificate or PR card
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) or 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
- Refugee claimant document
- CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) with an R8 code
- Study permit
- High school diploma or proof equivalencies
- Medicare card or driver’s license
Persons who hold a DVS:
5857 Secretarial Studies
OR 5712 Secretarial Studies
OR 5755 Secretarial Studies (Inuktitut)
OR 5677 Secretarial Studies
OR 5637 Secretarial Studies
OR 5578 Secretarial Studies (Kativik)
OR 1913 Secretarial Studies
OR 1835 Office Specialist
OR 5357 Secrétariat
OR 5212 Secrétariat
OR 5255 Secrétariat (Inuktitut)
OR 5177 Secrétariat (Inuktitut)
OR 5137 Secrétariat
OR 5078 Secrétariat (Kativik)
OR 1413 Secrétariat
OR 1335 Travail de bureau (agent, agente de bureau)
Have been granted recognition of equivalent learning.
Persons practising an occupation related to the program of study.
Registration office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3:30 pm
60 Lahaie Street, Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8
450-680-3032 Ext.4100