Code 5821 / 900 Hours / 9 months


The program aims to train individuals in the sales of products or services, enabling them to offer solutions tailored to their customers’ needs. It emphasizes providing advice, fostering a trusting atmosphere, and cultivating customer loyalty through personalized service that aligns with customer expectations. In addition to sales and consulting responsibilities, sales consultants may also oversee in-store merchandise management and provide after-sales support.


Upon graduation graduates may find careers as retail sales representatives, account representative, sales merchandising, after sales support or sales consultant.


This program is a general program allowing students to enter a multitude of industries in a sales capacity.

  • This program is offered in a hybrid format.
  • All exams are done at the Centre.
  • At the teacher’s request some activities could be done in-person.
  • Students must own or have access to a laptop/desktop for learning and study
  • RAC is available

Registration Information

  • You may apply online at AdmissionFP however you must come in person to register
  • If you do not have a Quebec Permanent Code, you can get a temporary code here
  • You must bring ALL ORIGINAL documents to the Centre to be officially registered

Required Documents for Registration

  • Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
  • High school diploma or transcript
  • Medicare card or driver’s license
  • Birth certificate, long version with your parents’ names on it
  • 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
  • High school diploma AND transcript
  • Medicare card or driver’s license
  • Canadian citizen card/certificate or PR card
  • CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) or 3 consecutive years of notice of assessment tax forms or municipal tax forms (proving you have lived in Quebec for 3+ years)
  • High school diploma or proof equivalencies
  • Medicare card or driver’s license
  • Refugee claimant document
  • CSQ (certificat de selection du Quebec) with an R8 code
  • Study permit
  • High school diploma or proof equivalencies
  • Medicare card or driver’s license

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent, for example, an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V studies, or a postsecondary diploma such as the Diploma of College Studies or a Bachelor’s degree

Persons who are at least 16 years of age on September 30 of the school year in which their training is to begin and have earned the Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in the programs of study established by the Minister, or have been granted recognition for equivalent learning

Persons who are at least 18 years of age upon entry into the program and have the following functional prerequisites: the successful completion of the General Development Test (see the following table), or recognition of equivalent learning

Persons who have obtained Secondary III credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister are required to pursue general education courses, concurrently with their vocational training, in order to obtain the Secondary IV credits they lack in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister.

Registration office is open Monday to Friday from 8am to 3:30 pm

60, Lahaie Street
Laval (Qc) H7G 3A8

450-680-3032 Ext.4100